Do you have a double chin, or sagging under your jaw? Kybella is a treatment, approved by the FDA that works to improve your appearance by reducing chin fat, blasting away the fat cells and ensuring that they will not come back.

This is an injectable treatment, available from your plastic surgeon. It involves injecting a special liquid into your chin, using a small needle. It breaks down the fat cells, and then your body’s immune system flushes them away.

For most patients, the treatment is very fast and very effective. As to side effects, you should usually expect some swelling, but it will go away in about a week. A full course of treatment takes anywhere from four to six weeks, consisting of anywhere from two to four injections spaced over time. Much depends on how big your double chin is.

Kybella works only on the chin, so if you have excess fat on your face or neck, the treatment will not be effective. Kybella also does not tighten your skin. If you are not sure if your excess fat is actually on your chin, or perhaps on your neck, Dr. Craig E. Berris can consult with you to determine if Kybella will be an effective treatment for you.

Contact Us

If you are displeased with your appearance due to excessive chin fat, contact us at the Center for Cosmetic Eyelid & Laser Surgery. Dr. Craig E. Berris will be pleased to meet with you and talk about your plastic surgery options. You can call us at 916-929-6707, or use the form on our Contact Us page to arrange an appointment. We are located at 77 Scripps Drive, Suite 201, Sacramento, CA 95825.