Benefits of Brow Lifts

Unless we never want to smile, frown, grimace, or express our emotions in any way other than verbally, we are all going to have to accept that eventually, wrinkles and lines are going to form on our forehead. They can take the shape of horizontal forehead lines, or what are commonly known as “11 lines” between our brows. This can have the effect of making us look at best, stressed out, or at worst, chronically angry. Fortunately, there is help. A qualified plastic surgeon can help you to realize the benefits of brow lifts by repositioning your brow line.

There are a number of brow lift techniques available that can eliminate wrinkles and deep grooves, making you look younger and more beautiful. Continue reading to learn about the benefits of brow lifts and how they work.

The Surgery

To do any eyebrow lift, Dr. Berris will give you a general anesthetic, so you will be unconscious while the procedure is being done. While you are asleep, he will make an incision below your hairline, across your forehead. Then he will lift your skin, smoothing out the wrinkles and repositioning your eyebrows, remove any excess skin, and then sew up the incision. In a day or two after the surgery, you will be able to remove your bandages.

You will not see the benefits of eyebrow lifts right away. It takes a bit of time for you to heal, and you can expect some slight bruising. In a few weeks, though, you will see the effects. This is a straightforward surgery. The benefits of brow lifts include faded lines, more prominent eyelids, and a younger appearance.

Are You a Candidate for an Eyebrow Lift?

Most people who are considering the benefits of brow lifts are between the age of 40 and 50, with noticeable sagging or wrinkling in the forehead. If you are a smoker, you will need to stop at least a month before the surgery. You should also stop taking any blood-thinning medications two weeks before you have the surgery. Be sure to tell Dr. Berris about any medications that you are taking – this includes herbal remedies as well. Barring any medical conditions that could make surgery inadvisable, practically anyone is a candidate.

Benefits of Brow Lifts

The benefits include a more youthful appearance, increased self-confidence, and less tension in the muscles of the forehead. You will look more approachable, too.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of brow lift surgery, contact us at the Center for Cosmetic Eyelid & Laser Surgery. You can reach us by phone at 916-929-6707, or request an appointment using the form on our Contact Us page. Our office is located at 77 Scripps Drive, Suite 201, Sacramento, CA 95825, and we look forward to seeing you.