If you are someone whose face has already started to show some signs of aging, it is likely that the very first signs you noticed were on your forehead and brow area. This is a very common issue and the skin of the forehead and brow is some of the first to lose its elasticity thanks to the forces of gravity and a loss of collagen. The good news is that almost anyone is a good candidate for a brow lift, and the team at the Center for Cosmetic Eyelid & Laser Surgery in Sacramento, CA wishes to help you determine if it is right for you.

What Is a Brow Lift?

The brow lift, also known as an eyebrow lift is designed to address horizontal creases on the forehead, deep set vertical lines between the brows and even some initial crow’s feet around the eyes. Though many who visit a plastic surgeon are told that some skin resurfacing treatments can help, this is not the case. As your trusted plastic surgeon in Sacramento, we feel it is important for you to know that it is the loss of elasticity and requires plastic surgery to address the issue.

Does this mean that everyone with forehead creases or brow wrinkles is a good candidate for a brow lift? Generally, it requires that you be willing to undergo the treatment, that you are in good general health, and that you are eager to reduce the signs of aging on the face.

Of course, to be a good candidate for a brow lift means you must also understand that the treatment may only be able to partly eliminate the lines and wrinkles. Factors such as skin elasticity, age and the severity of the lines all play a part in just how effective treatment can be.

If you are deemed a good candidate for a brow lift, the treatment is done by simply, surgically repositioning and pulling the skin towards the hairline. The treatment is an outpatient treatment and leaves minimal to no scarring. You can expect to be fully recovered in just three to five days, and with proper skin care, the effects can last for a very long time afterward.

Contact Our Plastic Surgeon in Sacramento Today

Are you interested in learning if a brow lift is for you? If so, feel free to give us a call at our Sacramento, CA office at 916-929-6707. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.