It may surprise you to learn that even women who eat the healthiest diets and who are dedicated exercisers might find themselves struggling with a double chin. There are many reasons that this can occur and whether it is due to age, genetics, bone structure, fat deposits or loss of skin elasticity, there is an option known as chin liposuction that can erase the problem. At the Center for Cosmetic Eyelid & Laser Surgery in Sacramento, CA, our team offers patients a chance to obtain the profile they desire, but the first step is to be sure you are actually a candidate for chin liposuction.

As your preferred plastic surgeon in Sacramento, we will have you come in for a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for chin liposuction or other forms of plastic surgery. At that time, our plastic surgeon will discuss an array of issues with you, including your personal goals or wishes where your profile and/or chin are concerned. We also consider your overall level of health and fitness, we look at the actual amount of fat or loose skin in the area, and we consider the elasticity of the skin.

Some patients combine a neck liposuction with necklift procedure if they do not have enough elasticity. However, if all of the required conditions are met, you become a qualified candidate for chin liposuction. Of course, it is important for anyone considering the treatment to understand what it involves. Just like more traditional forms of liposuction, chin liposuction uses special medical equipment to remove excess fat beneath the chin, in the neck and the jowl areas. Fat accumulates there and can be very difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise, and this can make you an ideal candidate for chin liposuction.

The treatment is done on an outpatient basis and though you can go to work afterward, most patients opt to rest for the remainder of the day. You do need to wear a chin strap to hold the skin in place, and you will have to return for a checkup following treatment. Healing occurs within three to five weeks and you will find that your profile is exactly as you anticipated and that your entire facial area takes on a younger and healthier appearance.

Contact Our Facial Plastic Surgeon Today

Are you eager to learn more about a chin liposuction treatment? If so, give us a call at our Sacramento, CA office at 916-929-6707. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.