Sacramento Brow Lift FAQs
A brow lift is a procedure done by a facial plastic surgeon that rejuvenates the top third of the face, the area above the brow. Brow lifts can reshape and elevate the brow, which improves the shape of the brow and can reduce any dropping of the brow. We will look at some brow lift FAQs that come up time and time again.

Who is a good candidate for an eyebrow lift?

The ideal patient is in good health, does not smoke, and can avoid blood thinners for two weeks before surgery. This individual has heavy or low eyebrows and may be concerned about looking tired, angry, or worried most of the time.

Am I old enough for a browplasty?

There is no age limit when it comes to getting a brow lift. Patients as young as those in their twenties may choose the procedure. This is often the case when a low brow is hereditary and causes frustration.

Are post-operative estimates available?

Computer photos can show you how your new brow position might look after a forehead lift. However, these are not always successful at predicting the look you will have. Seeing these images may help you determine if you want browlift from a facial plastic surgeon, though.

Should I see my doctor first?

In some cases, you may need basic lab tests before the procedure can be started. All specific requirements will be disclosed with you before the procedure is underway.

What do I need to do before surgery?

You can eat normally the day before surgery but try to avoid heavy meals or any foods that may cause acid reflux. Do your best to relax the day before and get plenty of rest. After midnight, you should not eat or drink anything else until the procedure is over.
What sort of anesthetic is used?
In most cases, an eyebrow lift will be done while you are deeply sedated. You will be asleep and comfortable but able to breathe normally without the aid of a breathing tube.

How long does the surgery take?

Although this can vary, a forehead lift most often takes around two hours to complete.

Will I be in pain following surgery?

Brow lifts are not known for severe pain, but you will likely have tightness and some soreness of your forehead. These can both be controlled by prescribed medications. Some patients have headaches in the first 24 hours after surgery, which can be more painful.
Are there risks to a brow lift surgery?
While there are some risks, they are exceedingly rare. There is a risk of numbness of the forehead from nerve damage. Most patients have this numbness, but it usually goes away. Other minor risks include mild bleeding, temporary headache, and infection.

Schedule Your Brow Lift at Our Sacramento Surgery Center

At Center for Cosmetic Eyelid & Laser Surgery, we understand the questions and concerns that may come up when considering a facelift. We would be happy to talk to you about any concerns you might have, and book you for a consultation. Call us now at 916-929-6707 or visit our contact form to find out more.


BrowLift FAQs